Organization of the educational process in higher schools of the early Byzantine Beyrouth (by Zacharias Rhetor)


  • Yana A. Dronova Belgorod National Research University



Early Byzantium, Beyrouth, Zacharias Scholasticus, higher education, philosophy, rhetoric, law schools


The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the organization of the educational process in the Beirut law school. The reasons for studying this issue are provided by a variety of literary sources written in several genres and differing in historical value. The school of law is best known to us from Zachariah's Syrian translation of «The Life of Severus», narrating about the Bishop of Antioch. It sheds a bright light on the organization of the educational process and presents several entertaining, sometimes striking episodes from the life of teachers and students of the famous law school at the end of the 5th century A. D. Students entered the Beirut High School only after undergoing preliminary training, in particular, such schools were in Alexandria. In Beirut, five courses were taught, each course had its own name. The education was conducted five days a week. Education was based on Roman classical legal tradition. Christianity played an important role for the school, many law students devoted themselves to religious activities.

Author Biography

Yana A. Dronova, Belgorod National Research University

Post-graduate student of the Department of General History,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Dronova, Y. A. (2021). Organization of the educational process in higher schools of the early Byzantine Beyrouth (by Zacharias Rhetor). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(1), 48-54.



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