John Brown's Rebellion of 1859 in American Historiography
John Brown's Rebellion, the Harpers Ferry Raid of 1859, slavery, abolitionism, John Brown, Robert Edward Lee, American historiography, African American History (Black History)Abstract
This work is focused on one of the most significant events in American history – the John Brown Uprising of 1859, also known as the Raid on Harper's Ferry. The author aims to trace and analyze the dynamics of perception of this event in American historiography, as well as to identify the causes
of the corresponding changes. The research shows that the tradition of studying the 1859 uprising and the entire John Brown’s legacy should be divided into three stages, each of them connected with important socio-economic and political transformations in the United States and the world. At the first stage (1859–1877), there is a large–scale glorification of the figure of the radical preacher and his legacy, stemming from the need to create a new national mythology during and after the end of the Civil War. The second stage (1877–1965) is associated with attempts to critically rethink the significance of the 1859 events and John Brown’s role in American history, moving away from the eulogies. This change was caused by the course towards national reconciliation and overcoming the consequences of the Civil War. During this period, two divergent trends were formed in the perception and assessment of the uprising and the legacy of the radical preacher in American historiography: the first one was positive, the second was negative. At the third stage which is associated with the rise of the social movement and in particular, the movement for the rights of African Americans, there is another revision of the attitude towards the uprising and the figure of John Brown. They are considered in the context of the struggle for civil rights. The work uses descriptive, comparative historical, retrospective and causal methods of historical research.
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