The Military Power Factor and Its Influence on Political and Territorial Transformations in the Context of Transition to a Post-Global World Order




world order, post-global world, military power, war, military conflict


The civilization period known as globalization, as well as the era of the bipolar world order that preceded it, is becoming history. The outgoing political scenery is being replaced by a world order, the contours of which are not yet fully realized and vague. Nevertheless, the main elements of the post-global world framework are already beginning to manifest themselves. The most noticeable among them are revealed at the level of national and international relations: the economic egoism, the tendency to autarkic practices, the renaissance of the "closed society" paradigm, the acute rise of religious nationalism, the reincarnation of alliance politics emerging in the spirit of the things as they were used in "warring kingdoms". The factor of military power continues to play a significant role in the transition from the global to the post-global order, both in terms of ideology and in the format of real politics. The events of the recent years highlighted the increasing importance of military force components employed as the tools of politics and politicians. Nations and their leaders have increasingly resorted to using military potentials to enhance their position in world politics or resolve political and territorial problems. It would not be an exaggeration to suppose that the collapse of the USSR and the period of relative stability that followed it, caused a number of wars and military conflicts. The author of the current paper will attempt to trace the upward dynamics of armed violence taking into account a range of armed conflicts and the resulting political and territorial changes happened in the Eurasian geopolitical space. The author will consider this problem in the context of the emerging transition of the world community to a new order of mutual relations.

The work was carried out without external sources of funding.

Author Biography

Konstantin N. Lobanov, I.D. Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Doctor of Sciences in Politics, Associate Professor, I.D. Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia,
Belgorod, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0001-7653-8937


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How to Cite

Lobanov, K. N. (2024). The Military Power Factor and Its Influence on Political and Territorial Transformations in the Context of Transition to a Post-Global World Order. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(2), 474-485.



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