The Oldest Drawbar Two-Horse Vehicles of China and the Problem of Their Borrowing from the Steppes of Eurasia




Sintashta – Petrovka – Alakul, Shang China, drawbar two-horse vehicles, problem of borrowing


The idea of Bronze Age archaeologists about the penetration of the steppe «chariots» of Sintashta – Petrovka – Alakul into Shang China contradicts the fact that the oldest Shang Chinese two-wheeled drawbar horse-drawn wagons of 1300–1050 B.C. were unsuitable for fast maneuverable driving and combat in a standing position. By the time they were borrowed by the Shang Chinese, according to the logic of the invasionists, they should have been already around 800 years in use and should have evolved into more developed in military-practical terms and therefore attractive and desirable for the acquisition and reproduction by the Shang Chinese. It is obvious that the very possibility of the existence of not a combat standing chariot, but a transport or ritual or hunting sitting drawbar double-wheeled horse-drawn carriage in the steppes of Eurasia of the Bronze Age is not considered in any way and is not taken into account by the «reconstructors» of the Ural-Kazakh «battle» «chariots» of Sintashty – Petrovka – Alakul.


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Author Biography

Aleksandr A. Semenenko, Gymnasia 2

Candidate of Sciences in History, Teacher, Gymnasium № 2,
Voronezh, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0000-3897-4685


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How to Cite

Semenenko, A. A. (2024). The Oldest Drawbar Two-Horse Vehicles of China and the Problem of Their Borrowing from the Steppes of Eurasia. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(2), 267-274.



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