The Confrontation of Alexandria and Antioch as Early Byzantine Centers of Monophysitism on the Example of the Dispute Between Patriarchs Damian and Peter of Callinicum




Alexandria, Monophysites, Late Antiquity, Early Byzantium


This article attempt is made to assess the role and place of the dispute between Patriarchs Damian and Peter of Callinicum, in the context of the theological and ecclesiological confrontation between Alexandria and Antioch as early Byzantine centers of anti-Chalcedonism. For earlier disputes, the conflict of systems of dogmatic theology was the fundamental cause of disagreement. Now, in the context of the emergence of the anti-Chalcedonian Jacobite churches as alternative ecclesiastical structures in early Byzantine society, which finally took shape as a result of the activity of Jacob Baradei and Patriarch Theodosius, the question of the primacy of one of the mentioned chairs has emerged. Also, the dispute of the patriarchs is a kind of prologue of the first stage of the religious policy of Emperor Heraclius, who will take an active part in eliminating its results.

Author Biography

Vyacheslav A. Likhosherstov, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate Student of the Department of General History, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Likhosherstov, V. A. (2023). The Confrontation of Alexandria and Antioch as Early Byzantine Centers of Monophysitism on the Example of the Dispute Between Patriarchs Damian and Peter of Callinicum. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 581-587.



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