A Brief Historiographical Review of the Study of the Spread of Origenism in the 4-th – 6-th Centuries in Byzantium





research, origenism, author, monographs, review


Starting an attempt to describe historiography on the issues of the personality of Origen and the spread of оrigenism, it seems to us that we should start this review with the most important studies that touch on this topic. In his publication «Contradictions of Origenism» G.V. Frolovsky critically evaluates some monographs of European researchers. Graziansky M.V. in the monograph «Emperor Justinian the Great and the legacy of the Council of Chalcedon» highlights important facts and names of the most influential adherents of the Origenistic doctrine. Downey G. translated from English and compiled by A.M. Bolgova, N.N. Bolgov gives us valuable information about Palestine of the IV century. The study of Sladkopevtsev P.M. «Ancient Palestinian monasteries and the holy ascetics who glorified them» and his description of the ancient monasteries of Palestine and their inhabitants. Y. Tsikin gives a brief description of the history of Palestine of the early Byzantine period. V.M. Lurie, «History of Byzantine Philosophy» introduces the concept of «history of ideas», where Origenism also took its place. Barony Caesar, in his work «Ecclesiastical and civil Acts from the Birth of Christ to the summer of 1198» uses many primary sources. N.P. Kondakov review of the monasteries of Palestine in the book «An Archaeological journey through Syria and Palestine». Kartasheva A.V. «Ecumenical councils» describes in detail the V Ecumenical Council of 553, which is important for us.

Author Biography

Anastasia D. Strzhalkovskaya, Belgorod National Research University

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of Professional Speech and Intercultural Communication, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Strzhalkovskaya, A. D. (2023). A Brief Historiographical Review of the Study of the Spread of Origenism in the 4-th – 6-th Centuries in Byzantium. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(2), 330-334. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2023-50-2-330-334



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