Moscow magazine «The Ukrainian life» (1912–1917) in modern Russian and Ukrainian historiography


  • Roman V. Trofimov Belgorod National Research University
  • Aleksandr N. Moshkin Belgorod National Research University



Ukrainian language, «Ukrainian issue» in Russia, Little Russian, separatism, autonomism


The article reveals the historiography, content and main ideas of magazine «The Ukrainian Life» (1912–1917). The author analyzes research of the magazine in Russian and Ukrainian science, identifies directions for its further study. The author of the article also notes that in national science the pro-Ukrainian periodicals in general and the analyzed magazine in particular have yet to be adequately examined. The article considers the views of modern Ukrainian researchers who conducted a fairly thorough research of the magazine, mainly from the philological, journalistic, cultural and historical points of view. The issue of the scale of the magazine’s significance for the ongoing nation-building in the Russian Empire is also important. Ukrainian historiography is inclined to exaggerate the role of this magazine in the «national revival of Ukrainians in Moscow», but the fact is indisputable that the magazine «The Ukrainian Life» was an active spokesman for the few (at that time) activists- Ukrainophiles of the Russian Empire. We see directions for further research in a comprehensive study of the magazine, its impact on Russian society and discussions on the pages of publications. It is concluded that the magazine published in Moscow promoted the ideas of Ukrainian nationalism, that within the framework of the concept of the triune Russian people actively opposed the national policy of the Russian government.

Author Biographies

Roman V. Trofimov, Belgorod National Research University

post-graduate student of the Department of Russian History and Documentation of the Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Aleksandr N. Moshkin, Belgorod National Research University

The article reveals the historiography, content and main ideas of magazine «The Ukrainian Life» (1912–1917). The author analyzes research of the magazine in Russian and Ukrainian science, identifies directions for its further study. The author of the article also notes that in national science the pro-Ukrainian periodicals in general and the analyzed magazine in particular have yet to be adequately examined. The article considers the views of modern Ukrainian researchers who conducted a fairly thorough research of the magazine, mainly from the philological, journalistic, cultural and historical points of view. The issue of the scale of the magazine’s significance for the ongoing nation-building in the Russian Empire is also important. Ukrainian historiography is inclined to exaggerate the role of this magazine in the «national revival of Ukrainians in Moscow», but the fact is indisputable that the magazine «The Ukrainian Life» was an active spokesman for the few (at that time) activists- Ukrainophiles of the Russian Empire. We see directions for further research in a comprehensive study of the magazine, its impact on Russian society and discussions on the pages of publications. It is concluded that the magazine published in Moscow promoted the ideas of Ukrainian nationalism, that within the framework of the concept of the triune Russian people actively opposed the national policy of the Russian government.


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How to Cite

Trofimov, R. V., & Moshkin, A. N. (2021). Moscow magazine «The Ukrainian life» (1912–1917) in modern Russian and Ukrainian historiography. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(4), 854-862.



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