The mutiny of Greuthungs in Phrygia, 399–400: an example of unsuccessful adaptation of barbarians in the East Roman Empire


  • Andrey D. Nazarov Ural Federal University



East Roman Empire, Byzantium, Byzantine army, Goths, Greuthungs, anthropology of violence


The article analyzes a character and reasons of the mutiny of Goths-Greuthungs in Phrygia in the years 399–400. Regular units of these barbarians were formed in 395–396 and sent to protect Osroene from the Huns-Chionites. After the end of the war, they were transferred back to Phrygia where Greuthungs had lived since 386. Afterwards, they revolted because of reject of the praepositus sacri cubiculi Eutropius to reward for the military success. Greuthungs perceived this decision as inobservance to their merits and chose to compensate for this by plundering towns and villages in the diocese Asia. Greuthungs which migrated to the Empire in 386 were a war band. Its identity based on common participation in warfare. Accordingly, they tried to decide problems that arose before them using brute force. Special attention should be paid to the motivation of Tribigildus who was the commander of Greuthungs. Despite the fact that he served in the East Roman army on the regular basis, Tribigildus continued to be perceived by ordinary Goths as a leader who should ensure equitable distribution of booty. This commander considered mutiny against the East Roman emperor as a way to maintain authority among his relatives and associates.


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Author Biography

Andrey D. Nazarov, Ural Federal University

Research Engineer, Ural Humanitarian Institute, Ural Federal University the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin,
Yekaterinburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Nazarov, A. D. (2021). The mutiny of Greuthungs in Phrygia, 399–400: an example of unsuccessful adaptation of barbarians in the East Roman Empire. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(4), 704-713.



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