Octer «Isis» (to the issue of historical interpretation of the iconographic monument of the third century B. C. from the Nymphaion the Bosporan city)


  • Nikolay P. Pisarevsky Voronezh State University




Bosporan Kingdom, Spartokids, thalassocracy, graffiti, fresco, rowing ship, Isis


Discovered during the excavations of the temple of Aphrodite in Nymphaea fresco depicting the rowing ship «Isis» up to the present time remains the subject of debate, in the context of which raised a variety of issues. The amplitude includes both the dating of iconographic monument to the aspects of direct relevance to the maritime history of the Bosporan Kingdom in general, military fleet of Spartokids and thalassocracy on the Pontus Euxinus, in particular. A thorough study of the major components on the vehicle image, modeling the main dimensions and proportions of the ship hull allows identifying the value of comparable monuments of ancient shipwrecks and discoveries of the individual structural elements of the Hellenistic combat ships. This allows you to attract existing fragments of episodic and few data of ancient tradition, and taking into account the totality of the surrounding «Isis» images of other ships and multi-temporal graffiti to justify stated in the title, the thesis, suggesting the date shown on the mural of historical events 288 B. C.

Author Biography

Nikolay P. Pisarevsky, Voronezh State University

doctor of historical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of archeology and history of the ancient world, Voronezh state University, Voronezh, Russia.


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How to Cite

Pisarevsky, N. P. (2020). Octer «Isis» (to the issue of historical interpretation of the iconographic monument of the third century B. C. from the Nymphaion the Bosporan city). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(3), 455-471. https://doi.org/10.18413/2687-0967-2020-47-3-455-471



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