The Russian Border Area in the Context of the Special Military Operation: Current Aspects of Ensuring National Security




national security, challenges and threats, border security, border subject, border policy, Special Military Operation, activities of public authorities


The purpose of the article is to determine the challenges to ensuring Russia’s security in the context of the Special Military Operation, based on the analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the country’s national security in the border area. The analysis of empirical material allows the authors to establish the specifics of the actions taken by public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the context of ensuring the security of the border region and implementing measures that correspond to social expectations and contribute to strengthening public confidence in the authorities. The study shows the evolution of the political and legal framework of the security policy, taking into account Russia's new capabilities and new threats. The article substantiates the specifics of the border protection policy implemented by the executive authorities of the country’s constituent entities during the emergency period of the conflict around Ukraine. The authors conclude that this policy should contribute to enhancing the interaction between authorities at all levels, strengthening the level of public confidence in the government, and reducing public anxiety. Measures are proposed to increase the effectiveness of government activities in the border area of the region, related to the de-bureaucratization of decision-making processes, improving interaction at all levels of the power hierarchy, and strengthening the state border.


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Author Biographies

Valentina V. Ogneva, Central Russian Institute of Management, Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Doctor of Sciences in Politics, Professor, Professor of the Department of History, Political Science and Public Policy


Tatyana S. Bolkhovitina, Bryansk Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Candidate of Sciences in Politics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Management



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Abstract views: 69




How to Cite

Ogneva, V. V., & Bolkhovitina, T. S. (2024). The Russian Border Area in the Context of the Special Military Operation: Current Aspects of Ensuring National Security. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(4), 1035-1043.



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