Soviet Feature Films about 18th – 19th Centuries Russia as a Political Tool to Strengthen Patriotism




historical cinema, adaptations, Soviet propaganda, national consciousness, ideological influence, artistic culture, cinematic narratives, state policy, cultural heritage


The article examines the use of Soviet feature films devoted to the history of Russia of the 18th − 19th centuries as a political tool to strengthen patriotism. Due to the lack of research in this area, the author examines films about 18th − 19th centuries Russia to identify their role in the formation and strengthening of patriotic feelings. Special attention is paid to the use of cinematography for ideological purposes, contributing to the formation of national identity and strengthening public spirit. The article draws a parallel between cinematic narratives and the state policy of that time, demonstrating how films became part of a broad ideological strategy. The study shows that these films have outstanding historical significance not only as phenomena of artistic culture, but also as factors shaping historical and patriotic beliefs that continue to influence modern society. In contrast to the traditional perception of patriotic cinema as films about war and military dramas, this work examines historical, biographical films, and screen adaptations in terms of patriotism and love for the Motherland.


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Author Biography

Glafira I. Budyakova, Saint Petersburg State University, The People's Military-Historical Museum of the Great Patriotic War ”Sambek Heights“

Master's Student, Institute of History, Junior Research Fellow



Список источников

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Советское кино // кино-театр.ру [Электронный ресурс]. URL: ( (дата обращения: 12.02.2024)

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Abstract views: 23




How to Cite

Budyakova, G. I. (2024). Soviet Feature Films about 18th – 19th Centuries Russia as a Political Tool to Strengthen Patriotism. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(4), 934-946.



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