Foreign Actors of the Greek Conflict in the British Press (1946)




Greek Civil War 1946–1949, regional conflicts, information war, propaganda war, British press, The USA, Great Britain, The Soviet Union, The Times, The Observer, The Manchester Guardian


Based on the analysis of British publications with various political bias of 1946–1949, the article examines how objectively the British media covered the positions of Great Britain, the United States, and the USSR in relation to the Greek civil war at its initial stage. The situation in Greece occupied the newspaper pages. The authors show the role of newspapers at the beginning of the Cold War as a major tool of information influence in the UK and  some Western countries.  A study of the UK print landscape of the specified period reveals the way newspapers that did not always agree with their country’s policy interpreted Greece’s internal political problems, the threat of the Greek conflict outbreak, its escalation, and the debate on this issue in the UN Security Council. During the conflict, Greece continued to play a significant role in international relations and in the foreign policy of the great powers.


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Author Biographies

Vera V. Malay, Belgorod State National Research University

Professor of the Department of International Relations, Foreign Regional Studies and Political Science


Sofia B. Pazhvak, Belgorod State National Research University

Postgraduate Student of the Department of General History



Список источников

Belfast News-Letter, 1946–1949.

Belfast Telegraph, 1946–1949.

The Civil and Military Gazette (Lahore), 1946–1949

The Daily Mail, 1946.

The Daily Telegraph, 1946.

The Economist, 1946.

The Greek Frontier Incidents Question (3 Dec.). 1946. Official Documents of the United Nations. URL:

The Greek question: USSR communication dated 21 Jan. 1946. Official documents of the United Nations. URL:

The Greek question: Ukrainian SSR communication dated 24 Aug. 1946 Official documents of the United Nations. URL:

The Manchester Guardian, 1946.

The New Statesman, 1946.

The News Chronicle, 1946–1949.

The Observer, 1946.

The Scotsman, 1946–1949.

The Scotsman. Official website. URL:

The Sunday Times, 1946.

The Times, 1946.

Список литературы

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Koliopoulos J.S., Veremis T.M. 2009. Modern Greece. A History Since 1821. 279 p. URL:

Konstantinos T. 2015. The Greek Civil War in the Czech Press. Masaryk University. 25 p. URL:

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Abstract views: 25




How to Cite

Malay, V. V., & Pazhvak, S. B. (2024). Foreign Actors of the Greek Conflict in the British Press (1946). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(4), 880-890.



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