The Massagetae Tagmata in the Service of Justinian I the Great: Trajectories of Integration into the Byzantine Military System




Byzantium, Byzantine army, nomads of Eurasia, Huns, Massagetai, Procopius of Caesarea, Dagestan


The article is devoted to the Hunnic allies in the service of the Byzantine Empire who were referred to as Massagetae in the writings of Procopius of Caesarea. It is necessary to determine which ethnic group they came from. In addition, Procopius’s reports on the Massagetae rebellion during the Vandalic War of 533–534 are of interest. This plot is noteworthy as an example of a successful solution of a serious internal conflict in the expeditionary army. The Massagetae, presumably, came from groups that lived in the territory of modern Dagestan. During the reign of Justinian I the Great, they took part in the wars against the Persians, Vandals and Ostrogoths, under the command of Belisarius. These barbarians were part of ethnically homogeneous units. Internal cohesion based on blood ties allowed them to defend their own interests which were different from Belisarius' plans. The disobedience of the Massagetae forced the commanders to reorganize their tagmata.


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Author Biography

Andrey D. Nazarov, Ural State Forest Engineering University

Assistant at the Department of Social Disciplines and Humanities



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How to Cite

Nazarov, A. D. (2024). The Massagetae Tagmata in the Service of Justinian I the Great: Trajectories of Integration into the Byzantine Military System. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(4), 831-840.



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