
  • S. Bokeriya RUDN University
  • E. Kerner RUDN University
  • D. Kuznetsova RUDN University




the Arctic, the Nordic states, arctic strategies, content analysis, priorities, policy directions


The Arctic is of special interest for many regional and non-regional actors because there is great amount of natural resources and prospective sea routes in this region. Among regional actors there is a group of northern European countries that are interested in the development of their policy in the Arctic region. In 2000s arctic strategies were developed by 5 circumpolar countries of Northern Europe – Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. In these documents this group of countries highlighted the main priorities and directions of their foreign and domestic policy in the Arctic. In this article arctic strategies of circumpolar countries were examined with the help of content analysis. To identify the priorities keywords corresponding to the main directions of arctic policy of circumpolar countries were highlighted. Then the frequency of these keywords in arctic documents was analyzed. Thus text content was converted to quantitative data. Due to this differences between priorities of different countries’ arctic policy was shown more clearly.


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How to Cite

Bokeriya, S., Kerner, E., & Kuznetsova, D. (2020). EVOLUTION OF ARCTIC POLICY PRIORITIES OF THE NORDIC COUNTRIES (BASED ON CONTENT ANALYSIS OF DOCTRINES). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(2), 416-426. https://doi.org/10.18413/2687-0967-2020-47-2-416-426



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