«Sunset» of Schengen as a Result of Ineffective EU Migration Policy
Schengen, EU, immigrant integration policy, Bulgaria, RomaniaAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of recent events regarding the entry of Bulgaria and Romania into the so-called «Schengen air» and the strategic choice of these two EU countries, which calls into question their security and sovereignty. The «unified» European Union, instead of giving priority to solving complex issues of refugee integration, aggravates the situation and turns them into an ever-destroying interstate conflict. The study identifies key menaces that directly threaten European security, integration and mutual understanding between countries that arise during the implementation of the Dublin Regulation and the policy of accepting migrants into the EU. The author made the main conclusions that joining Schengen is a long-awaited event, since Bulgaria and Romania have been waiting for full membership for 13 years. But the event of December 31, 2023 can be viewed in two ways. On the one hand, this is a partial success that was achieved on a long-standing issue, and in a difficult time, when almost all important issues for the European Union are extremely difficult to resolve, because countries that often disagree with certain European decisions impose their veto. On the other hand, the partial accession of Bulgaria and Romania to Schengen will be expensive, and the most important issue of land borders remains unresolved and is postponed indefinitely.
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