On the History of Regionalism in the South of Ancient Asia Minor: Pisidia





Pisidia, regional studies, region, ancient, Roman, early Byzantine, empire, metropolis, archeology, city


The work is devoted to a historical analysis of the features of the natural-geographical, ethno-political and administrative history of Pisidia – a region of Southern Asia Minor, which forms a unique complex together with Pamphylia and Lycia. This mountainous historical region initially had natural borders with neighboring regions and had a distinct pre-antique Asia Minor population (Pisidians). Realizing the uniqueness of Pisidia, the Hellenistic and especially Roman authorities were in no hurry to create a special administrative unit from this area. Apparently, the Romans sought to provide Pisidia with access to the sea in the south through Pamphylia. In the north, a similar aspiration explains the administrative inclusion in the region of the city of Antioch, which was not geographically part of the region. The creation of the early Byzantine region of Pisidia almost within its geographical boundaries meant recognition of the specificity of the region. Another regional specificity, although not uncommon in late antiquity, was the rivalry between the two main cities – Antioch and Sagalassos. In some other cases in the empire this led to the division of the province, but in Pisidia there were no prerequisites for this. Christianization and the creation of a diocese consolidated the status of Pisidia. The work provides an outline of the history of the region and a brief description of the main cities.

Author Biography

Anastasia Yu. Pashkova, V.Ya. Gorin Belgorod State Agrarian University

Lecturer at the Department of Vocational Training and Socio-pedagogical Disciplines, V.Ya. Gorin Belgorod State Agrarian University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Pashkova, A. Y. (2024). On the History of Regionalism in the South of Ancient Asia Minor: Pisidia. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(1), 15-26. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2024-51-1-15-26



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