The Influence of the Types of Subjects of the Russian Federation on the Model of Interaction of Regional Executive and Legislative Authorities




federalism, region, executive power, legislative power, model, institutional design, republic, autonomous okrug


The article is devoted to the problem of interaction between regional executive and legislative authorities in the national-territorial formations of the Russian Federation. The federal territorial structure implies the presence in the country of various types of administrative entities that are part of a single system of a federal state. The subjects of the Russian Federation are equal in relations with the federal center, but the special status of republics and autonomous districts allows us to conclude about the asymmetric nature of Russian federalism. In this regard, this study is aimed at studying the influence of the national autonomy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the model of interaction between regional executive and legislative authorities. In the scientific literature, the problem of interaction of federal government with regional authorities from the position of center – regions within the framework of asymmetric federalism is quite well developed, but at the same time, the aspect of the influence of the specifics of the federal structure of Russia on the regional policy of state authorities of the Russian Federation is poorly studied. As the main provision under consideration, the question of the influence of the status of the national-territorial status of a subject of the Russian Federation on the model of interaction between regional executive and legislative authorities at the formal level is raised. At the same time, the study is carried out within the framework of institutionalized forms of interaction between regional executive and legislative authorities, limited by regulatory principles.


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Author Biography

Eugene S. Petrov, St. Petersburg State University

post-graduate student of the Faculty of Political Science, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Petrov, E. S. (2023). The Influence of the Types of Subjects of the Russian Federation on the Model of Interaction of Regional Executive and Legislative Authorities. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 822-830.



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