Arctic Science Diplomacy Index for a Region (the Case of Saint Petersburg)




Arctic, Arctic Science Diplomacy, Region, Index, Saint Petersburg


The growing interest in the Arctic among states in the field of international relations has led to the inclusion of many non-state actors. These kinds of actors also demonstrate an interest in researching regional processes, which has led to the emergence of Arctic scientific diplomacy as a distinct phenomenon. This article attempts to define and measure the concept of Arctic scientific diplomacy of the region – or a state subject in a form of an administrative unit – by identifying its key indicators. The author has identified four main indicators that can be used to analyze and evaluate the index of Arctic scientific diplomacy of the region. Using Saint Petersburg as an example, the article demonstrates that it is possible to provide a qualitative assessment of the results of Arctic scientific diplomacy activities even for a subject that is not considered Arctic by geographical criteria. In conclusion, possible directions for further research of the issue can be followed by studies of a more comprehensive criteria system as well as some comparative studies of particular regions.

Author Biography

Fedor E. Zolotarev, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD Student at the Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University,
Saint Petersburg, Russia


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Abstract views: 53




How to Cite

Zolotarev, F. E. (2023). Arctic Science Diplomacy Index for a Region (the Case of Saint Petersburg). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 790-800.



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