Chronicon breve de gestis Aldeberti




Occitania, Gévodan, Aldebert III de Tournelle, medieval historiography


This publication contains a commented translation into Russian of «Chronicon breve de gestis Aldeberti», a work created in the 2nd half of the 60s of the XII century in Mande – the capital of the Diocese of Gévodan. This anonymous historical work is a rare example of the Occitan historiographical tradition, which is extremely scarce, and therefore little studied today. In addition, the «Brief Chronicle» reveals the difficult fate of the church in the south of France, remote from cultural centers and the royal court. The main outline of her disorderly narrative consists of the activities of Bishop Aldebert III de Tournelle, aimed at fighting for their rights with secular feudal lords and maintaining peace in the Diocese of Gévodan. This chronicle allows us to trace in detail the beginning of the process of formation of the Bishops of Mande as secular rulers of Gévodan, and also vividly marks the first attempt by them to use the past to solve current political problems. The translation is given according to the most authoritative edition of Clovis Brunel.


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Author Biography

Daniil D. Zubov, Yaroslavl State University

Student of the Department of General History, Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia


Список источников

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How to Cite

Zubov, D. D. (2023). Chronicon breve de gestis Aldeberti. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 606-615.



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