World Orders` Imperialism




imperialism, world order, multipolarity, unipolarity, conflictology, hegemony, domination


This article is built around the phenomenon of «imperialism», which is both a subject of study and a method of research. «Imperialism» as a subject of research is an integral part of the object of research – international relations, both in historical and political perspectives. The author is convinced that it is «imperialism» that is the «red thread» that runs through the history of mankind and forms international relations and world orders themselves, as their institutional design. This is what leads to the fact that «imperialism» is also a method of research, since, in fact, it is practically a universal key in this field. This study contains the following main theses-conclusions that have never been clearly identified before in domestic (and perhaps even in world science) that the organized history of mankind is the history of the confrontation of imperialisms, the world order is the creation and essence of modern forms of imperialism, and modernity is the arena of the clash of imperialisms.

Author Biography

Yuriy A. Veselov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Lecturer of the Department of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Veselov, Y. A. (2023). World Orders` Imperialism. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(1), 233-248.



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