Corrupt Prerequisites for the Donatist Schism in the System of Socio-Political Orientations of St. Augustine (According to the Epistolary Heritage of the Father of the Church)




Augustine, epistolary heritage of Augustine, Donatist schism, corruption


The denial of corruption is one of the reference points in the system of social and political orientations of Augustine. The Father of the Church condemns bribery, venality, and corruptibility, considering them as the root cause of many social problems. At the same time, the Bishop of Hippo is far from a simplified understanding of the phenomenon solely as a phenomenon associated with the abuse of power for selfish purposes. Corruption is a social disease for him, destroying the state and society, making their proper functioning impossible. The foregoing makes Augustine's concept related to modern interpretations, in which corruption is usually viewed in a wide social and political context. In light of this it is not surprising that the Father of the Church focuses on the corruption prerequisites and grounds for the Donatist schism, a phenomenon that marked one of the most dramatic pages in Late Roman History. In an effort to defeat his ideological opponent, the Father of the Church accuses the Donatists of corrupt ties, making them perhaps the most important cause of the well-known tragic events. A vivid picture depicting the broad corrupt context of the emergence of Donatism is presented in the epistolary heritage of the Bishop of Hippo, which formed the basis for the present study.

Author Biography

Stanislav S. Sakharov, Smolensk State University

Candidate of Historycal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State-Legal disciplines, Faculty of History and Law, Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russia


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How to Cite

Sakharov, S. S. (2023). Corrupt Prerequisites for the Donatist Schism in the System of Socio-Political Orientations of St. Augustine (According to the Epistolary Heritage of the Father of the Church). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(1), 31-43.



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