Sophist Julian the Cappadocian and his School in Athens
Julian of Cappadocia, Proaeresius, Athens, late antique education, Late Antiquity, Early Byzantium, IV centuryAbstract
This work examines the life and educational activities of the late antique sophist Julian of Cappadocia, the teacher of the famous rhetorician of the 4th century Proaresius. The article studies the life time of Julian of Cappadocia, the main milestones of his life, the educational environment in which he grew up (Caesarea of Cappadocia) and social ties, the nature of the activities of his school, the main students. Information about him has been preserved in 2 sources: «Life of philosophers and sophists» of the author of the second half of the IV – beginning of the V century Evnapius, belonging to his school. His education, personal qualities and religious views are affected. Julian of Cappadocia was a younger contemporary and successor in Athens of the sophist Callinicus. The basic information about Julian of Cappadocia and Evnapius refers to the Athenian period of activity, where he had a sophistic school. The study concluded that the school of Julian was the largest in Athens, defining the intellectual face of the city in the 4th century.
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