
  • A. Strzhalkovskaya Belgorod National Research University,



Origen, Palestine, monasticism, monastery, laurel, Origenism, fallacies, condemnation


The origin of monasticism in Byzantium is associated with the era of Constantine the Great. The reasons for the growth of monasticism was the fact that in the state under Constantine, Christianity ceased to be a persecuted religion. Therefore, from the 4th century, monasticism begins its dawn. A lot of people become involved in the monastic movement, and the Christian Church, as an organization and public institution, creates charters of life for monastic. Monks and monasteries were completely controlled by church authorities. The Monks and monasteries were completely controlled by church authorities. Throughout the entire history of the Byzantine Empire, monasticism occupied an important place not only in the spiritual life of the state, but in its political, economic, and social life. With the participation in theological disputes, Byzantine monasticism also took an active part. One such confrontation was the Origen dispute. After the death, the founder of the Great Lavra, Savva the Consecrated, the Origenists openly began to spread their teachings first within the walls of their monastery, and then in other monasteries. As a result, after the condemnation of Origenism at the V Ecumenical Council, monks who did not recognize its decisions were expelled, which led to the decline of monasticism in Palestine.


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How to Cite

Strzhalkovskaya, A. (2020). PALESTINIAN MONASTERY, ITS ROLE IN THEOLOGIAN DISPUTES IN IV–VII CENTURIES. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(2), 269-273.



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