Antiochus I Soter, paean, Apollo, Lucian, ruler cultAbstract
Paean – a hymn to Apollo is an integral part of the ancient Greek religion. However, during the period of Hellenism, his addressee was not only a god, but also a king in the framework of the polis cult. These hymns were created by poets who received the patronage of the royal house for their work. Often it is known that a paean was performed and rarely its lyrics are found. This is precisely the case that is analyzed in the article: according to Lucian, the Seleucid army honors the anthem of king Antiochus I Soter after the victory over the Galatians. A comparison of this episode with other cases recorded in ancient literature gives us reason to assume that the traditional content of the paean is precisely as the hymn to Apollo, which was not created by the poet. In this regard, it is worth saying that this song clearly demonstrates the main provisions of the Seleucid ideological policy. Apollo was considered the ancestor and patron of the dynasty, and this circumstance contributed to the interpretation of victory as a direct intervention of god in the course of the battle.
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