The Apology of Athenagoras Athenian and its Social Addressee




early Christianity, apologetics, Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Commodus


«The Embassy for the Christians» by Athenagoras is prominent work of the Early Christian Apologetics. Many modern scholars appeal to this composition for studying its form, aims and addressee. This article is devoted to determination of addressee of apology of Athenagoras. Athenagoras appeals in preamble of his work to Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Commodus. But did he intend this work to Emperors in fact? Analyzing the content of Athenagoras’ Embassy we reveal that Athenagoras appeals to non-Christian audience. In structure of this composition we find elements of ambassadorial and forensic speeches. But this apology was hardly addressed to the Emperors as an official petition. The Embassy of Athenagoras has serious disturbances of the rules for official appeals. The composition of Athenagoras is too long to be presented to Emperors. Then Athenagoras omits some titles when he addressing to Emperors. We concludes that apology of Athenagoras is philosophical proclamation addressed to cultured audience including the Emperors.


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Author Biography

Dmitriy A. Samoilov

PhD student of the Department of History of Ancient World of Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Moscow, Russia



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How to Cite

Samoilov, D. A. (2022). The Apology of Athenagoras Athenian and its Social Addressee. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(3), 510-519.



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