The Analysis of the Images of Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Archimedes of Syracuse in the Cinematography


  • Roman V. Klimenko Voronezh State Pedagogical University



Marcus Claudius Marcellus, Archimedes of Syracuse, cinematography, Siege of Syracuse 214–212 B.C., sword and sandal


This article devotes to the analysis of images of the Second Punic war's commander
218–201 B. C. Marcus Claudius Marcellus and his contemporary – a scientist and an engineer – Archimedes of Syracuse in the cinematography. The author compares images of titled personalities in the cinematography and in the historical sources for the search of differences. For this goal the author uses such methods as an empirical research of the movie and an analysis of the historical sources that tell about those times. In the article the author studies how a descriptions of the antique historians influenced a creating of images in the movie. Nowadays movies have a colossal impact on people's minds. The modern children and teenagers prefer to watch a movie or a video instead of reading a book. The research discovered different breaks with the historical sources in the scripts of movies. These differences are due to various reasons in each case. Here is the influence of the national mentality, the idea of the plot and other factors.

Author Biography

Roman V. Klimenko, Voronezh State Pedagogical University

MA student of the Department of Foreign History, Voronezh State Pedagogical University,
Voronezh, Russia



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Abstract views: 134




How to Cite

Klimenko, R. V. (2022). The Analysis of the Images of Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Archimedes of Syracuse in the Cinematography. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 49(3), 501-509.



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