Myth and geography: geography and history in Ancient myth


  • Nikolay P. Pisarevskiy Voronezh State University



Myth, epos, Delphi, ethnocentrism, mythological consciousness, the landscape, verification, unconscious, archetype


The problem of the correlation of myth with geography in General, historical geography in particular, is one of the most pressing problems of science, especially in recent times. Whether the history depicted in myths is filled with real or imaginary realities, how much the spatial-temporal representations deposited in myths are subject to deformation and how real are the itineraries of the Greek gods and heroes (Dionysus, Hercules, Cadmus, IO, Argonauts, etc.) reflecting this process. Rethinking major methodological, and concrete scientific approaches to the study of myth based on social psychology and the sociology of knowledge, the results of the study of the philosophical concepts of individual ethnic groups in General, and the ancient Greeks in particular, and geographical representations in the mythopoetic consciousness leave no doubt of the legality of the distribution and overlay deposited in the myths of the evidence about the contacts of Greek gods and heroes with a non-Greek tribes on the process of formation in public consciousness of the ancient Greeks ideas about their own identity. Displayed in coded form, they conveyed the narrative of past history through archetypal half-forgotten concrete historical and geographical realities. They were preserved and maintained, filled with new realities as the horizons of the population of the Polis expanded, remaining an integral part and being located either in the center or on the periphery of the maintenance of the relevant religious rites and rituals.


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Author Biography

Nikolay P. Pisarevskiy, Voronezh State University

doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Archeology and History of the Ancient World, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia


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How to Cite

Pisarevskiy, N. P. (2021). Myth and geography: geography and history in Ancient myth. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(3), 501-520.



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