Early Byzantium and gender research: challenges and prospects (about the book: Bolgov N.N. From hetaera to abbess. Woman in Early Byzantium: the world of the senses and the life of the body. M., 2020)


  • Irina Yu. Vascheva N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod – National Research University




gender studies in history, Early Byzantium, Late antiquity, review, Russian Byzantine studies


This work examines a range of problems related to gender studies in the history of Early Byzantium. The impetus for the article was the publication in 2020 of the popular science book by N.N. Bolgov «From hetaera to abbess. Woman in Early Byzantium: the world of the senses and the life of the body». It is noted that such a direction of research has not yet developed in Russian historiography. Actually, in general, very few specialists deal with the history of Early Byzantium as the main problematic. Meanwhile, this transitional period in recent decades has become the object of close attention from numerous scientists, and the number of publications has become explosive. There is also a clearly expressed gender direction in the study of the history of Late Antiquity – Early Byzantium. The book of N.N. Bolgov, who has undoubted merit in terms of drawing attention to this issue, should also serve as a stimulus for the development of research of this kind in Russian Byzantology and, no less important, is addressed to the general reader and young audience. The author managed to choose a correct and respectful intonation within the framework of secular science when addressing topics related to religious tradition.

Author Biography

Irina Yu. Vascheva, N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod – National Research University

doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Department of medieval civilizations of Institute of International Relations and World History,
Nizhni Novgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 380




How to Cite

Vascheva, I. Y. (2021). Early Byzantium and gender research: challenges and prospects (about the book: Bolgov N.N. From hetaera to abbess. Woman in Early Byzantium: the world of the senses and the life of the body. M., 2020). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 48(1), 117-122. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2021-48-1-117-122



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