Coverage of the events of Russian-Bulgarian diplomatic relations in the journal «Bulletin of Europe» in 1894–1917


  • Nikolai N. Demyanenko Leningrad state University named after A.S. Pushkin



Foreign policy, the Balkans, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Bulgarians, Ferdinand I, Russian-Bulgarian relations, Russian press, «Bulletin of Europe»


This article discusses the attitude of «Bulletin of Europe», one of the leading liberal magazines in Russia, to the development of Russian-Bulgarian relations during the reign of Nicholas II. The author shows how the magazine’s attitude towards Bulgaria, its rulers and the Bulgarian people has changed over more than two decades. In the year of the coronation of Nicholas II, relations between Russia and Bulgaria were restored. It seemed that the Bulgarians would not test further relations between the two countries for strength. However, the events associated with the uprising in Macedonia in 1903 could have led to a major war in Europe. The declaration of independence of Bulgaria in 1908, which took place almost simultaneously with the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary, also left many questions, especially among the supporters of Slavic people unity. Finally, the Second Balkan War and the entry of Bulgaria into the First World War on the side of Germany in the autumn of 1915, drew a line under the relations between the two countries, which resumed after a ten-year break in 1896. Considering one of the publications the author shows the transformation of the attitude towards Bulgaria among the moderately liberal strata of society throughout the reign of Nicholas II. The last year of the reign is not taken into account, since after February 1916, Bulgaria was practically not mentioned on the pages of the magazine.


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Author Biography

Nikolai N. Demyanenko, Leningrad state University named after A.S. Pushkin

postgraduate student of the Department of Russian History, Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin,
St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia;

history teacher of the state budgetary educational institution, secondary school No. 412 of the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg,
St. Petersburg, Russia.


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How to Cite

Demyanenko, N. N. (2021). Coverage of the events of Russian-Bulgarian diplomatic relations in the journal «Bulletin of Europe» in 1894–1917. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(4), 826-835.



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