Creation and activity of a private free female professional school of A.A. Mashkovtseva on the territory of the Tavricheskaya province in the late XIX – early XX centuries


  • Valeria Andreevna Maslennikova V. A. Taurida Academy of the Vernadsky Crimean Federal University



women, education, Tauride province


In the villages of the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century girls living in large and poor families often did not have access to education due to its costliness. For such cases (to help the poor) the free female professional school of A.A. Mashkovtseva was opened. The article analyzes the sources that touch upon a subject of gender inequality in education on the territory of the Tauride province and the substantiation of the need for female education in general. The information on the financing and functioning of the private free female professional school of A.A. Mashkovtseva, provided in the article, allows us to esteem the school's activities on the territory of the Taurida province from all angles. The author pays attention to the gradual formation of the school, which took place along with the gradual expansion of courses. The article indicates that this educational institution was assessed by the population as a real support of the inhabitants of the province.

Author Biography

Valeria Andreevna Maslennikova, V. A. Taurida Academy of the Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

In the villages of the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century girls living in large and poor families often did not have access to education due to its costliness. For such cases (to help the poor) the free female professional school of A.A. Mashkovtseva was opened. The article analyzes the sources that touch upon a subject of gender inequality in education on the territory of the Tauride province and the substantiation of the need for female education in general. The information on the financing and functioning of the private free female professional school of A.A. Mashkovtseva, provided in the article, allows us to esteem the school's activities on the territory of the Taurida province from all angles. The author pays attention to the gradual formation of the school, which took place along with the gradual expansion of courses. The article indicates that this educational institution was assessed by the population as a real support of the inhabitants of the province.


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How to Cite

Maslennikova, V. A. (2021). Creation and activity of a private free female professional school of A.A. Mashkovtseva on the territory of the Tavricheskaya province in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(4), 803-810.



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