Military-political cooperation between the USA and Germany in the forties of the XX century – the first decades of the XXI century


  • Yuri V. Rodovich Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University



Germany, USA, NATO, European army


The article examines the history of the military-political cooperation between the United States and Germany from the mid-1940s to the present. It shows the contacts of American intelligence agencies with the military and political circles of the Third Reich, the implementation of the plans for the use of German prisoners of war in the interests of the U.S. army, the U.S. participation in the creation of the armed forces of Germany. It is noted that after the unification of Germany, the German troops appeared outside its borders again and participated in the multinational maneuvers, the UN missions and in military operations. But the sovereignty of Germany is limited due to the placement of American military facilities on its territory. President Trump's attempts to shift the excessive financial burden of the US in NATO to the European participants do not coincide with the interests of Germany. Therefore, acting within the framework of the PESCO project, Germany together with France and their closest partners seeks to ensure its security within the EU by creating a European army, which, however, does not mean that the country refuses the military and political cooperation with the United States and the participation in the North Atlantic bloc.

Author Biography

Yuri V. Rodovich, Tula State Leo Tolstoy Pedagogical University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Archeology, Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy,
Tula, Russia


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How to Cite

Rodovich, Y. V. (2021). Military-political cooperation between the USA and Germany in the forties of the XX century – the first decades of the XXI century. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(4), 773-782.



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