The position of the Arians and Donatists in Africa after the establishment of Byzantine domination in the region


  • Natalia E. Zolotukhina Belgorod National Research University



North Africa, Belisarius, Arians, Donatists


The article is devoted to the problem of the social position of the Arians and Donatists after the establishment of Byzantine domination without going into dogmatic questions. Attention is paid to the analysis of the purpose of Belisarius's military campaign in Africa and arguments are given in defense of the thesis that the military campaign was not religious in nature with the aim of suppressing the Arians. The quantitative composition of the Arians among the soldiers of the expeditionary corps and their attitude to the military campaign are analyzed. Attention is focused on strengthening the position of the Donatists at the end of the 6th century in the province of Africa. In the sources, the religious context of the conquest is poorly mentioned, as a rule, the goal of Belisarius's campaign is leveled by the theses that the vandals brought a lot of grievances to the romanized population without clarifying the confessional issue. North Africa is of particular interest for the study of late antique Christianity.

Author Biography

Natalia E. Zolotukhina, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate Student, Department of General History, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Zolotukhina, N. E. (2021). The position of the Arians and Donatists in Africa after the establishment of Byzantine domination in the region. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(4), 747-753.



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