The subject of federation as a state’s «soft power» channel (by the example of St. Petersburg)
soft power, international activity, paradiplomacy, federal subjects, Saint PetersburgAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of the subject of the federation as a channel of «soft
power». Using the case study method, the author concludes that Saint Petersburg as an administrative unit, having a formed image and participating in various forms of international cooperation, has an «attractive» influence. The case of Saint Petersburg shows that regions, taking into account their specifics, can be used within the framework of the federal strategy of «soft power» influence, thanks to their capital, which can be positively evaluated by the international community. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the city’s activity in this sphere is limited. First of all, the system of relations between the center and regions makes some restrictions for the regional policy of «soft power», and, secondly, the
lack of strategic planning in the field of international cooperation does not allow to determine the role of regions clearly and, following it, to utilize their potential to the full extent.
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