Geopolitical aspect of the information confrontation between the Russian Federation and the United States
USA, RF, information war, geopolitics, society, media, information aggression, conflictAbstract
The paper analyzes the course of the information conflict from a geopolitical point of view between two leading actors in international relations: the Russian Federation and the United States. The theoretical component of the issue as well as the approaches of some American and Russian scientists to the information warfare have been studied separately. On the basis of theoretical data, the analysis of the current state of the Russian-American information conflict with reference to the geopolitical aspirations
of both states is carried out. The practical basis of the study was the Ukrainian crisis, which accelerated the processes of Western countries` media aggression against Russia. Another example was Syria, where the information confrontation between the countries had a fierce character too, due to the media and
various pro-western organizations which took part in the confrontation. The study concluded that the predominant factor in the information confrontation between the Russian Federation and the United States is the geopolitical sphere, determined by the mutual desire of two states to surpass each other.
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