
  • Yu.V. Sheludchenko Belgorod National Research University



St. Sava, Cyril Scythopolitanus, «Life of St. Saba», early-Byzantine hagiography, early-Byzantine Palestine


The theme of this work is devoted to the analysis of life and religious activity of St. Saba – the famous ascetic and saint in the V – beginning of the VI centuries AD, famous in the Palestinian desert – on the material of his «Life», written by his student and younger contemporary Cyril Scythopolitanus. Based on the data of the «Life of St. Saba» this article explores the main milestones of the saint‘s life and his activities, the historical and religious background in early Byzantine Palestine in the second half of the fifth and first half of the sixth century, and the role of st. Saba in ongoing events. As a result, we can conclude that st. Saba actively participated in the historical events of the above period and was a very significant figure in the region. His «Life» is highly reliable and it is an important historical source. It gives complex analysis about religious situation in Late Antique Palestine, monasticism there, struggle between religious movements, Jerusalem patriarchy.

Author Biography

Yu.V. Sheludchenko, Belgorod National Research University

Belgorod National Research University, 85, Pobeda st., Belgorod, 308015, Russia


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How to Cite

Sheludchenko, Y. (2020). ST. SABBAS THE SANCTIFIED (439–532) AND MONASTERIES OF THE JEWISH DESERT IN THE DEPICTION OF CYRIL OF SKYTHOPOLIS. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(1), 54-66.



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