Alexandria city in the early byzantine time: social unrest and conflicts
Late Antiquity, Early Byzantium, Alexandria, Egypt, unrest, conflictAbstract
The article is devoted to studying the role of unrest and conflicts in the history of Alexandria in the Early Byzantine time. The city was one of the key centers of the region, played an important role in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the empire. The instability of the internal situation was characteristic in the previous centuries of the city's existence, however, in the Early Byzantine time unrest and conflict began to occur more often. This was due both to internal development processes - uneven social and economic development, the struggle for hegemony in the city between ethnic and religious groups of Jews,
pagans and Christians, confrontation in politics, and external factors – political instability in the empire, religious differences, external threats. Thus, we can conclude that the unrest and conflicts in Alexandria are a vivid manifestation of the contradictions in the Early Byzantine time. Episodes of aggravation of the situation in the city allow us to study the whole complexes of contradictions that existed both within Alexandria and in the process of empire development. The study of the dynamics of changes in the city is important for understanding the features of historical development in the conditions of transformational processes.
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