Status regulation of metropoleis in regard to the ecclesiastical administration during the council of Chalcedon: the case of the litigation between the metropolitans of Tyre and Berytus


  • Mikhail V. Gratsianskiy Lomonosov Moscow State University



Late Antiquity, the Council of Chalcedon, Tyre, Berytus, Photius of Tyre, Eustathius of Berytus, emperor Marcian, metropoleis, ecclesiastical administration, canons


The article is devoted to the study of the role of the emperor in determining the churchadministrative status of metropoleis. As an example, the author takes a litigation between the bishops of Tyre and Berytus from the Roman province Phoenicia Prima during the 4th Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon (451). While the bishop of Tyre was the ruling metropolitan of the province, the city of
Berytus (modern Beirut) received in 449 or 450 the metropolitan status through the imperial decree. The bishop of the new metropolis, Eustathius, took control of the churches of six cities in the north of the province, which Metropolitan Photius of Tyre considered to be an uncanonical step and subsequently appealed to the emperor Marcian (450–457). The latter referred the matter to the Council, ordering that the dispute be resolved on the basis of church canons, and not state laws. As a result, the usurpation by the bishop of a newly created metropolis of ordination rights in the provincial cities was recognized noncanonical
and the bishop of Berytus was instructed to be content only with the title of Metropolitan, while church administration remained in the hands of the Metropolitan of Tyre, the latter being the capital of the civil province. The example of litigation between Tyre and Berytus clearly illustrates the interaction of civil (imperial) and church jurisdictions in regulating the affairs of ecclesiastical administration and reveals at the same time the leading role of the emperor. This example is also important as an illustration of the mechanism of how generally binding church canons evolved from concrete cases.


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Author Biography

Mikhail V. Gratsianskiy, Lomonosov Moscow State University

сandidate of Sciences (History), PhD, leading researcher of the Center of Byzantine and the Black Sea Region Studies of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Gratsianskiy, M. V. (2020). Status regulation of metropoleis in regard to the ecclesiastical administration during the council of Chalcedon: the case of the litigation between the metropolitans of Tyre and Berytus. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(3), 505-517.



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