Praetorian cohorts: the function of the imperial escort


  • Vladislav V. Yurov Voronezh State University



Ancient Rome, Julio-Claudian dynasty, Praetorian cohorts, Praetorian guard, Praetorians


Formed by the Emperor Augustus, the Praetorian guard performed a variety of tasks. For example, the Praetorians were engaged in maintaining public order at events held in Rome, and sometimes suppressed riots in other cities and districts of the state; carried out espionage for the needs of the Princeps and dealt with their enemies. However, these and some other duties were secondary to the guards. The article below discusses the main function of the Praetorian guard – providing stationary and mobile security of the Roman emperors and their families. The chronological framework of this work is the rule of the Julian-Claudian dynasty. When writing, we relied on the works of Tacitus, Suetonius, Dion Cassius, as well as the works of some other ancient historians, telling about the events of 27 B. C. – 68 A. D. The author, taking into his account modern publications on the topic, demonstrated the performance of the Praetorians in the service of the Princeps of this time (from Augustus to Nero), their main task – the implementation of an armed escort of Roman Caesars and their relatives.

Author Biography

Vladislav V. Yurov, Voronezh State University

graduate student of the Department of Archeology and Ancient History of Voronezh State University,

Voronezh, Russia


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How to Cite

Yurov, V. V. (2020). Praetorian cohorts: the function of the imperial escort. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 47(3), 482-489.



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