Liber and libertas in Horace’s works
Ancient Rome, Augustus’ Principate, Octavian (Augustus), Horace, freedom, liber, libertasAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the category «freedom» in Horace’s works. In the days of the Late Republic, various political parties (partes) and groups (factiones) used the term «libertas» as an instrument of ideological struggle against their opponents. Besides, each political force attached a special meaning to this concept, which correlated with their goals and ideological discourse. This fact should have affected the perception of freedom in the times of Augustus’ reign. The author undertakes the analysis of the terms «liber» and «libertas» used by Horace with the aim to comprehend their meaning, as well as determine political views of the poet. The author’s observations demonstrate the predominance of the social and philosophical connotations of the concepts «liber» and «libertas» in Horace’s works. The conclusions made in the article show that the poet did not refer to these terms in the sense certain political forces of the Late Republic attached to them. Horace’s perception of freedom was congruent with the ideological policy of Augustus and did not contain any opposition sentiment.
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