Anti-Catholic Moods in the Colony of New York in the 17th Century and Their Results: From the Founding of the Catholic Mission (1683–1689) to the Anti-Catholic Uprising of Jacob Leisler (1689–1691)




anti-Catholic moods in the North American colonies of England, the Catholic mission in the colony of New York, the anti-Catholic dictatorship of Jacob Leisler, Catholic King James II, Catholic “conspiracy“ in the colony of New York


The article explores the emergence of anti-Catholic moods in the New York colony  associated with the founding of the Jesuit mission (1683–1689) and the appointment of Catholic henchmen of King James II to the senior positions, as well as the internal political events in the metropolis, that resulted in the “Glorious Revolution“, which led to a series of colonial uprisings.  This topic is important for studying the history of England and its North American colonies, as far as anti-Catholic moods, speculation in the colonial society regarding the Catholic “conspiracy“ became one of the main reasons for the anti-Catholic uprising (1689–1691). However, despite the importance of these historical events this topic has not been covered in the Russian historical science, although it has been noted by a number of researchers. Relying on the sources that have reached us, the author comes to the conclusion that, despite the presence of Catholic missions, as well as a number of Catholic officials, including the Catholic governor, holding senior positions in the colony of New York, there were no fears in the colonial society about the Catholic Church and its followers till 1689. However, after the “Glorious Revolution“ and the beginning of the struggle between the “Jacobites“ and the “Williamites“, there appeared a fear in the colonies that Catholics would try not only to do everything to keep or to return power to the deposed Catholic king, but would also use the opportunity to destroy the Protestant faith.


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Author Biography

Yan F. Makarov, Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary

Senior Lecturer, Department of Church-Historical and Humanitarian Sciences, Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary,
Smolensk, Russia;
Postgraduate Student, Department of Church History, Theological Faculty, St. Petersburg Theological Academy,
St. Petersburg, Russia

ORCID: 0009-0004-3364-810X


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How to Cite

Makarov, Y. F. (2024). Anti-Catholic Moods in the Colony of New York in the 17th Century and Their Results: From the Founding of the Catholic Mission (1683–1689) to the Anti-Catholic Uprising of Jacob Leisler (1689–1691). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(3), 588-597.



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