Exchange and Redemption of Prisoners as Part of a Military Conflict on the Example of the Arab-Byzantine Wars of the 9th – 10th Centuries
Arab-Byzantine wars, prisoner exchange, diplomatic practices, Syria, Byzantium, Abbasid Caliphate, military anthropologyAbstract
This article focuses on the exchange and ransom of prisoners documented during the 9th and 10th centuries between the Byzantine Empire and the Abbasid Caliphate at the Arab-Byzantine wars. The study aims to reconstruct the diplomatic protocols surrounding the ransoms and exchanges. That includes the organization of embassies, exchange of gifts, counting prisoners on each side, and determining the dates and venues for these exchanges. It also identifies and interprets instances that deviated from the established protocols. The author concludes that these diplomatic practices formed a unique method of intercultural and political communication that remains relevant today. Key findings reveal that the exchange and ransom of prisoners became systematic and bureaucratic, involving elaborate preparations and negotiations. The research highlights the significance of these practices in maintaining peace and resolving conflicts during the medieval period. It also underscores the evolution of diplomatic relations and the pragmatic functions of prisoners in these exchanges, contributing to a broader understanding of military anthropology and medieval diplomacy. The findings suggest that such exchanges not only addressed immediate humanitarian needs but also facilitated long-term political and cultural interactions between the two empires. Overall, this work provides a detailed analysis of the processes and implications of prisoner exchanges and ransoms, offering insights into the broader context of Arab-Byzantine relations. By examining contemporary accounts and medieval realities, the study reconstructs a comprehensive picture of how these exchanges were conducted and their impact on diplomatic practices of the time.
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