Guyana in the Focus of J. Biden Administration’s Latin American Policy




Guyana, U.S. foreign policy, J. Biden, Latin America, USA


U.S.-Guyanese relations remain poorly studied in Russian and foreign scientific literature. At the same time, regional system dynamics and Latin American countries influence rise define urgency of clarification of the U.S. posture in the region in the context of Sino-American competition. The author attempts to characterize U.S.-Guyanese relations and assess Guyana’s role for Washington’s contemporary regional strategy under current administration of J. Biden. Author implies comparative method evaluating U.S. foreign policy towards Guyana during D. Trump’s and J. Biden’s administrations. Also, the author tries to analyze and define the value of non-material factors and ideas which influence the U.S. foreign policy strategy under J. Biden administration and countries perception to each other. Author concludes that the U.S.-Guyanese intensification of relations will make a positive impact on both countries, but it will not lead to a strategic cooperation in the long term. Despite the possible decrease in attention to the region as a whole with the advent of the Republican administration in 2025, the United States of America will increase its economic and military presence in Guyana due to the sharply increased economic and strategic importance of the country.


The work was carried out without external sources of funding.

Author Biography

Aleksandr D. Trebukh, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Research Student of School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0007-2485-2573


Список источников

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How to Cite

Trebukh, A. D. (2024). Guyana in the Focus of J. Biden Administration’s Latin American Policy. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(2), 496-502.



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