The Beginning of the War in the Lugansk People's Republic in 2014




Donbass, Lugansk, war, Novorossiya, LPR, punishers


The article examines the issues of the emergence and development of the Armed Forces of the Lugansk People's Republic in the context of the growing civil conflict on the territory of Novorossiya in 2014. The course of events of the Russian Spring, the proclamation of the Lugansk People's Republic, the formation of the People's Militia, the organization of the first units of the Army of the South-East, the beginning of the aggression of Kiev regime formations on the territory of the Lugansk region are described. Based on the analysis of a wide range of documentary and memoir sources, the author covers in detail the course of hostilities in the first year of the existence of Donbass Republics. Special attention is paid to the LPR, events in which usually remained in the shadows. A systematic description of the 2014 fighting in the Lugansk region is given for the first time.

Author Biography

Julius R. Fedorovsky, V. Dahl Lugansk State University

Candidate of Sciences in History, Docent of the Department of History, V. Dahl Lugansk State University,
Lugansk, LPR, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0009-7644-4269


Список источников

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Abstract views: 15




How to Cite

Fedorovsky, J. R. (2024). The Beginning of the War in the Lugansk People’s Republic in 2014. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(2), 453-464.



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