The Figure of a Merchant in Tuscan Story of the Pre-modern Era




Medieval Italy, Italian folk tales, the figure of a merchant, Niccolao di Piero Gatti, Francesco Datini


This article contains the first Russian-language translation from Italian of a medieval Tuscan tale about merchants and cats. The author also describes the history of the creation and study of the fairy tale, and notes the presence of several versions of the text. The author shows that the characters from the tale are typical representations of the figure of the merchant in the culture of the Italian city-states in the pre-modern era, which includes the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, that preceded modern era. They had real historical prototypes, which were typical representatives of the social group of medieval Italian merchants. The tale has a humorous plot and tells how one Tuscan merchant arrived at the port of a foreign state, was received by its king, gave the king a cat, received for this jewelry as a valuable gift, and returned to his homeland. Some versions of the work retain the fictitious names of the merchants. The prototypes of one of those were the merchants from Prato Niccolao di Piero Gatti and, according to research interpretations, Francesco di Marco Datini (1335–1410), who were typical representatives of the social group of medieval Italian merchants.


The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 23-28-01592,,

Author Biography

Vladislav A. Evstiunin, Tyumen State University

Research Laboratory Assistant at the Urban Center of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tyumen State University,
Tyumen, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-9535-3172


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How to Cite

Evstiunin, V. A. (2024). The Figure of a Merchant in Tuscan Story of the Pre-modern Era. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(2), 354-364.



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