Professional Training of Militia Officers in the Period from 1918 to 1942 (On the Example of the Voronezh Region)




professional training, special conditions, militia, NKVD, militia courses, 3rd Voronezh Regional school of junior police officers, 6th Voronezh School of administrative and police officers of the NKVD of the USSR


The article summarizes the processes of formation and transformation stages of the professional training system of the Soviet police at the initial stages. The chronological framework of the work covers the period from 1918 to 1942, associated with the functioning of the NKVD and the militia, in particular, in special conditions (Civil War, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). The research is based on the experience of the Voronezh region, which traditionally acts as a major educational center (including for police/militia) from the creation of the first provincial militia courses to the functioning of the Voronezh Interregional School of Workers' and Peasants' Militia (originally called the 3rd Voronezh Regional School of Junior police officers). The authors analyze the organizational structure of the educational process, as well as its content side, noting their relationship with the objective conditions of the functioning of the police. Within the framework of the conducted research, there is an obvious trend towards the gradual militarization of the militia (formal and substantive), as well as the corresponding professional training system in the 1930s.


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Author Biographies

Nikita D. Ulanov, Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Lecturer at the Department of Fire Training, Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Voronezh, Russia

Kirill A. Sitnikov, V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Candidate of Sciences in Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory of State and Law, V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia


Список источников

Государственный архив Воронежской области (ГАВО). Ф. 736. Оп (8) 9. Д. 1. Л. 57.

ГАВО. Р-5. Оп. 2 доп. Д. 13.

Государственный архив Российской Федерации (ГАРФ). Ф. Р393. Оп. 6. Д. 20. Л. 14.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р393. Оп. 15. Д. 16. Л. 66–72.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р393. Оп. 31. Д. 330а. Л. 2–3 об.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р393. Оп. 31. Д. 330б. Л. 56.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р393. Оп. 44. Д. 20. Л. 5 об.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р393. Оп. 51. Д.12. Л. 30.

ГАРФ. Ф. Р393. Оп. 78. Д. 56.

Список литературы

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How to Cite

Ulanov, N. D., & Sitnikov, K. A. (2024). Professional Training of Militia Officers in the Period from 1918 to 1942 (On the Example of the Voronezh Region). Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(1), 162-171.



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