V.V. Bunak and the Armenian Genocide: The Adventure of a Single Photograph





Armenia, V.V. Bunak, Armenian genocide, Crania Armenica, Armenoid type


The information I want to share relates to a photograph of one of the founders of the Russian, Soviet school of anthropology – V.V. Bunak. It is interesting and fascinating to look at old photographs because, in some cases, it is possible to touch the past, to trace various episodes of people’s lives and the history of the country, but this requires both the authenticity of the photograph, the date of its production, and the correct interpretation of what it depicts. For example, for many years it was believed that the famous photograph of V.V. Bunak was taken against the backdrop of the remains of Armenian genocide victims. The article refers to V.V. Bunak's monograph «Crania Armenica»and gives characteristic features of Armenoid skulls. In the author’s opinion, the study of various sources and many years of experience in the field of anthropology lead to the conclusion that the skeletal bones in the photograph cannot belong to the exterminated Armenian population.

Author Biography

Anahit Yu. Khudaverdyan, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Candidate of Sciences in History, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia,
Yerevan, Armenia


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How to Cite

Khudaverdyan, A. Y. (2024). V.V. Bunak and the Armenian Genocide: The Adventure of a Single Photograph. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 51(1), 73-82. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2024-51-1-73-82



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