The Island or the Mainland – an “Image of the Future” in the Matrix of the National Identity of China and Chinese Taipei
China, Taiwan, national identity, development strategy, socialism with Chinese characteristics, Xi Jinping, the concept of «one country, two systems», international relations, the «one China» principleAbstract
The crucial issue of the article is a comparison of the “image of the future” of the high-ranking officials of the People’s Republic of China and the current administration of Taiwan island, which are both of them offered to their population. For this reason the article gives a brief overview of the history of the People’s Republic of China after the end of the civil wars and the peculiarities of the development of relations between Chinese Taipei and the mainland of the country. Strategic planning documents of the People’s Republic of China and Chinese Taipei are analyzed in order to identify the characteristics of constructing the «image of the future». According to this basis, it is concluded that this subject has been better elaborated in the policy documents of mainland China. The policy documents of Chinese Taipei are only an approximate plan of development for incising the social and economic level of development of the region and cannot be implemented without the support of anyone from outside.
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