Jacob Leisler's Rebellion in Colonial New York (1689–1691): the Main Events and Personality of Leisler in Sources and Historiography





Anti-Catholic sentiments in the American colonies, The Rebellion in New York, the Glorious Revolution in the American Colonies, Jacob Leisler, the English colonies of North America of the XVII century


The present article describes the main events of Jacob Leisler's Rebellion in colonial New York (1689–1691), which destroyed the rudiments of the Catholic Church, led to the split of local Reformed communities, and also caused the socio-political division of the colony into opponents and supporters of Leisler. Since the second half of the XVIII century, the New York Rebellion began to be actively studied by English-speaking researchers. Gradually, various concepts were being developed regarding the events that had taken place and the role of Leisler's personality in them. The second half of the XX century became the peak of the research interest. It was at this time when historians began to identify specific reasons that had led to revolutionary events and socio-political disagreements of that period. To date, in Russian historical science, the work of the Soviet historian A.S. Samoilo remains the only and fundamental one on this issue. All subsequent researchers either emphasized the importance of this event in their writings, omitting its analysis, or referred to Samoilo's monograph and a few foreign translated works. Since the work of this researcher was written in 1963, and the basic concepts regarding the causes and development of the uprising began to take shape mainly after this period, the study of Leisler's Rebellion in the Russian-language scientific works did not receive its development.


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Author Biography

Yan F. Makarov, Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Church History, Faculty of Theology, St. Petersburg Theological Academy,
St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Makarov, Y. F. (2023). Jacob Leisler’s Rebellion in Colonial New York (1689–1691): the Main Events and Personality of Leisler in Sources and Historiography. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(4), 889-900. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0967-2023-50-4-889-900



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