Ethnicity of the “Archons” According to the Greek Version of the Chronicle of Morea




Principality of Achaea, Morea, Fourth Crusade, Byzantium, archons


The article is devoted to determining the ethnicity of the persons mentioned by the author of the Greek version of the “Chronicle of Morea” as “archons”. A statistical analysis of the term “ἄρχοντες”, which occurs 117 times in the text, is conducted. The content of the Middle Greek, Old French and Aragonese versions of “Χρονικόν του Μορέως” is compared. The ethnicity of the archons is determined by analyzing their names, place of residence, allegiance and other ethnic markers. Special attention is paid to the study of fragments that do not contain unambiguous information about the origin of a particular noble person (or persons). Based on the study of the plot presented in lines 2254–2262, the author determines the ethnicity of the “archons” who accompanied the captain of Andravida. The substantiation of their belonging to the Frankish and not the Greek elite is given. It is concluded that the term “ἄρχων” could mean a noble person of Byzantine, Frankish, Slavic, Venetian or Turkish origin.


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Author Biography

Denis L. Frolov, Stoletovs Vladimir State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Hsitory, Archaeology and Local History, Stoletovs Vladimir State University,
Vladimir, Russia



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How to Cite

Frolov, D. L. (2023). Ethnicity of the “Archons” According to the Greek Version of the Chronicle of Morea. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(4), 860-867.



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