International Practice and Features of the Training of Russian Pilots in the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries




foreign experience, integration, interaction, training of pilots abroad, methods of flight training, improvement of forms and methods of training of flight personnel, interaction on training of flight personnel


The article analyzes the use of foreign experience in the period of the origin of pilot training in Russia. The elements of Russia's integration into the International aeronautical Federation are shown. Interaction of scientists, designers, pilots in the development of scientific knowledge and experience of aeronautics and flights on balloons and airplanes. The experience of training flight personnel, practical training of Russian pilots abroad with their participation in combat operations is being studied. The method of pilot training abroad and its development in the training of pilots in Russia is shown. In particular, a new training system based on the new "French" method of teaching is revealed. It is noted that foreign experience contributed to the development of the organizational structure and the quantitative composition of aviation detachments in Russia. The accumulation of flying experience of flying clubs contributed to the improvement of forms and methods of flight training in Russia.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir I. Vaulin, Samara State Technical University, branch in Syzran

сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines, Samara State Technical University, branch in Syzran,
Syzran, Russia

Sergey A. Singeev, Samara State Technical University, branch in Syzran

сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines, Samara State Technical University, branch in Syzran,
Syzran, Russia

Elena N. Safronova, Syzran Polytechnic College

lecturer at the Syzran Polytechnic College,
Syzran, Russia


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How to Cite

Vaulin, V. I., Singeev, S. A., & Safronova, E. N. (2023). International Practice and Features of the Training of Russian Pilots in the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries. Via in Tempore. History and Political Science, 50(3), 695-703.



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